SOCIAL STUDIES: Through Native American Eyes
Elementary Core Curriculum Online:National Curriculum Standards addressed in Cradleboard’s Elementary Grades Social Studies Online
Concept Area I: Native American people have always had forms of government to help make decisions and take care of the people.
- Tribal Governments of the Plains Indian Tribes
Test yourself online: Plains Government- Tribal Governments of the Tewa Pueblos
Test yourself online: Pueblo Government- Tribal Governments of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations
Test yourself online: Pueblo GovernmentConcept Area II: There have been -- and still are -- many brave and wise Native American leaders.
- Sitting Bull
Test yourself online: Sitting Bull- Chief Joseph
Test yourself online: Chief JosephConcept Area III: The Four Great Ideas of the Iroquois Confederacy
- The Four Great Ideas
- Test yourself online: The Four Great Ideas
- Additional quotes and resources
PART TWO: A 3 part Mohawk SupplementUnit Introduction: Tribe Specific Curriculum Supplements
- The Mohawk Opening Addressg
- The Role of a Haudensaunee Clanmother
- Haudenosaunee Contributions to the U. S. Constitution
Resources for Supplement C:
Supplement C: Test with answers
Vocabulary - students
Middle School Grades Core Curriculum Online:
National Curriculum Standards addressed in Cradleboard’s Middle School Social Studies Online
To the Teacher: Teaching a Positive Unit about Negative ImagesConcept Area I: Native American Identity and Racism
Student Reading Online Lesson:
- The Fight against Racism and the Quest for Political and Social Justice
Activity: Native American Identity and Racism
- Video: Starwalker (with pdf file)
- (Self esteem and being proud of who you are)
- Video: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (with pdf file)
- (Remaining strong and creative in the face of injustice)
Additional Activities about Identity and Race
- Being proud, books, preserving culture, AIM, Jim Crow, Discussion Boards,
- Racist vintage postcards, Boarding Schools, Guilt and Bitterness
Concept Area II: The Portrayal of Native American People and Traditions as Mascots
Activity: Native Americans as Mascots
- Express Yourself Online: How do you feel about Native American mascots
Chief Wahoo, the Redskins, and the Tomahawk ChopConcept Area III: Negative Images and Misconceptions about Native American People
- Activity: Recognizing Stereotypes
Express Yourself Online: How do you feel about Native American stereotypes?- Stereotypes: summary
- Suggested activity on Native American movie stereotypes
- Most Native American people never lived in tipis or wore feather headdresses.
Cultures are not stagnant in time.Teacher References for Middle School Social Studies
Making Things Better by Working Together
- Child Abuse and Racism
- Boarding School Blues
- Helping Children to Deal with Guilt and Bitterness
High School Grades Core Curriculum Online:
National Curriculum Standards addressed in Cradleboard’s High School Social Studies Online
Concept Area I: Native American Tribal Sovereignty
- Treaties and Government-to-Government relationships
- Most Native American people did not live in tipis or wear feather headdresses
- Cultures are not stagnant in time
- So-called “Special Rights”
Activities focused on Sovereignty
Concept Area II: Contemporary Native American Tribal Governments
- The Indian Reorganization Act
- NARF, NCAI and other national organizations who help tribal governments
Concept Area III: Contemporary Native American Political Issues
- Land
- Culture and “cultural items”
- Religion
- Language
- Education
- Economic opportunities
Additional Resources for High School Social Studies
- Litigation to Protect Western Shoshone Territorial Integrity
- The book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
- The Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement
- Survey on the Roles of Non-Natives in the Native Sovereignty Movement
- The Ultimate “Lesson” about Indian treaties
Addenda and Other Supplementary Materials
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